
Improved progesterone levels and pregnancy following Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree) supplementation in a case of recurrent pregnancy loss: A case report

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) occurs in 1% of couples and is defined as three consecutive failed pregnancies. While controversial, evidence exists that adequate levels of progesterone may be an important factor in pregnancy maintenance and that increasing levels of progesterone may increase the likelihood of success. Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree) is a herbal medicine with evidence to support its use in a variety of hormonal conditions, including premenstrual disorder and cyclic mastalgia through modulation of reproductive hormones. This report details a case of RPL in which low progesterone levels were observed. One month of supplementation with Vitex was followed by successful pregnancy with normal levels of serum progesterone and a live birth at full term. A second successful pregnancy followed, also with Vitex supplementation. Although the exact role of Vitex in this case cannot be confirmed, it adds evidence to the hypothesis that this herb may be an effective intervention in cases of RPL, particularly those involving low progesterone, and that more research is warranted.

Title of abstract:
Improved progesterone levels and pregnancy following Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree) supplementation in a case of recurrent pregnancy loss: A case report

Monique Aucoin, BMSc, ND, and Ashley Weber, ND


Australian Journal of Herbal and Naturopathic Medicine


AJHNM 2018 Vol 30 No 3 p126
